Sunday, March 6, 2022

Agriculture topics for essays

Agriculture topics for essays

Coal Facts. Courtney Kyle. Genetically modified crops are not new, they have been in existence for many years, but they are extremely controversial - in part because some people do not comprehend their makeup, and in part because they are innovative, and there are still many questions that need to be answered about their affect on people, the environment, agriculture topics for essays, and overall health. Topics in Fisheries And Aquaculture A similar topic is associated with fish farming, introductory agriculture topics for essays, and general aquaculture. USDA Analyzed Organizational Profile As explained on the United States Department of Agriculture website, the agency…. eferences Bonnis, G.

Following are the presentation topics of Agriculture.

Agriculture is the practice of rearing animals and growing crops to provide food or other products. People have been practicing agriculture for thousands of years. Although a few people attach little importance to agriculture, the majority of people attach much importance to it. Even in schools, agriculture is one of the most important subjects, agriculture topics for essays, which is why students have a high chance of getting an agriculture essay. We know that having to write an agriculture essay is something that students need a little help with and we are here to help them with the most difficult part. We noticed that the part that students find most challenging in agriculture essay is the part where they choose a topic to write about.

Agriculture topics for essays help students overcome this challenge, we have listed the best agriculture essay topics below. You will see these topics as agriculture topics for essays read on. Each of the agriculture essay topics ideas that you find here is interesting and easy enough for students to use. Even without stressing yourself, you will know what to write about each of the topics below. Students who use our topics for essays will surely make the most out of their education. Agriculture topics for essays email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cornerstone Of Modern Agriculture and its pillars Agriculture Is Directly Dependent On Climatic Variability Analyze Agriculture as The Wisest Pursuit The Transition of Agriculture Through centuries Agriculture: For happiness, or Fear of Famine?

Limited understanding of Agriculture in our Society today Organic vs conservative Agriculture How Prokaryotic Organisms Impact Upon Agriculture Same Attitude, New Agriculture; analyze, agriculture topics for essays. The Rise of Agriculture in Africa The Passion that propels the Agriculture Industry Education in Agriculture and its significance The Abuse Of Pesticides in Agriculture An Analysis of the Urban Agriculture. Related Topics. Have top experts do your papers. Write My paper. Previous Previous post: Night Essay Topics. Next Next post: International Business Research Paper Topics. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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There are many types of agriculture such as grain farming, shifting cultivation, dairy farming, etc. There are some bad impacts of agriculture on our environments such as manures and fertilizers cause pollution, soil loses its fertility and many more. If we generally talk about agriculture then it means that agriculture is related to harvesting and cropping. But in economics the meaning of agriculture is little different, here it does not only mean harvesting or cropping instead it also includes animal husbandry, dairy farming, poultry, fishing, and forestry.

No one can deny the fact that agriculture is the backbone of our nation. In the world, India is the second-largest producer of various agricultural products like rice, wheat, sugarcane, etc. If we had our food today then we should be heartily thankful to the farmers of our nation. The way soldiers of our nation protect our country from enemy attacks, in the same way; farmers of our country feed us daily. Farmers have to face many problems during agriculture. Few of the major problems are discussed below:.

As we know that in India, agriculture depends upon the monsoon. Being dependent on the weather condition, area, and yield, the production of crops is liable to substantial variations from year to year in this way the production becomes unstable. In, land ownership, a piece of land is owned by a person. The owner of the land gives his piece of land to poor farmers for cultivation and they charge the cost of their land from the poor farmers. When division takes place among the families then the pots also get divided between the family members. These scattered pieces of land increase the cost of agriculture management and make the agricultural occupation uneconomical.

In the procedure of land tenure, a large piece of land is owned by a person and that person decides who can use his land and for how long. This procedure is almost similar to land ownership. Even if there is a good production of crops, sometimes what happens is, farmers, don't get enough space to store their surplus food grains and thus grains are wasted in a large amount. From the above discussion, we can conclude that India is the second-largest producer of the product of agriculture. We get benefited a lot by agriculture in many ways; however, people nowadays, are getting distracted from agriculture and moving towards cities for their butter and bread, which is not good for the country and its people. The study of agriculture is called Agricultural science. The green revolution is related to agricultural production.

The title of "Father of the Green Revolution in India" is given to Dr. The Methane gas is released from the paddy fields. The agricultural sector is called the backbone of the Indian economy? The first Agricultural University of India was established in Pantnagar that is now in Uttrakhand. Grey Revolution is related to the production of fertilizers. Harshita Pandey has been a professional content writer, writing online blogs and articles for reputed websites for many years. She is a graduate in philosophy from Banaras Hindu University, BHU third-best university of India. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cornerstone Of Modern Agriculture and its pillars Agriculture Is Directly Dependent On Climatic Variability Analyze Agriculture as The Wisest Pursuit The Transition of Agriculture Through centuries Agriculture: For happiness, or Fear of Famine?

Limited understanding of Agriculture in our Society today Organic vs conservative Agriculture How Prokaryotic Organisms Impact Upon Agriculture Same Attitude, New Agriculture; analyze. The Rise of Agriculture in Africa The Passion that propels the Agriculture Industry Education in Agriculture and its significance The Abuse Of Pesticides in Agriculture An Analysis of the Urban Agriculture. Related Topics. Have top experts do your papers. This is going to have a direct impact on the cost and even the availability of food in the supermarkets in the near future. At the same time, more and more small farms are springing up House, 2.

This suggests that more people are actually desiring a return to agriculture, possibly as a way of becoming more connected with the way we live. Farming is the most complete way to remind oneself how important agriculture is. Other reminders of this ever-present importance come less frequently, but have just as big an impact on our daily lives. Something slightly scary is going on when you can't go to the store and buy a jar of peanut butter without worrying. Yet the recent peanut butter salmonella scare did just that, causing another re-examination of our nation's federal food safety oversight procedures U. Senate Committee on Agriculture. In addition to disappointing lunch-bag toting…. Works Cited Aldrich, Lester. Accessed 4 February Accessed 5 February shtml House, Dawn.

Accessed 4 February, Agriculture Technologies in the Middle Ages The Middle Ages is a period characterized by the diffusion of many new agricultural technologies which, in turn, increased agricultural productivity, protected rich croplands from inclement weather, established a uniformity in farming throughout the various regions, and improved nutrition overall. Agricultural Tools The plow is considered to be one of the most important and oldest technologies developed. In fact, the history of the plow stretches back to the Neolithic New Stone Age that began about BC in Mesopotamia. In the Middle Ages, however, the plow was radically improved and was used with multiple-oxen teams.

Before this time because of the nature of the soil, it was difficult to plow these fields. And, obviously, this inability to cultivate these fields reduced the population of northwest Europe. After the…. Works Cited Comet, G. Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel subtitled "Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages. Gimpel, J. The Medieval Machine subtitled "The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages. Agricultural industry must also ask both the students and the teachers to enjoin in a number of forums about agricultural products. Student-teacher forums about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables can be done which can either be within the normal or outside the normal class hours. Both the students and the teachers will be sharing insights, personal experiences regarding how they benefit from eating fruits and vegetables.

This forum can be enjoined by students - from all year levels - and all teachers, especially those who have backgrounds on health, nutrition and the sciences. This way, more students may also be inclined to buying vegetables or fruits as snacks or meals. Indeed, there can be a number of ways which the…. Reference: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture defines Georgia's character and way of life, and has throughout the history of the state. Since the days where plantation owners capitalized on slave labor to 21st century advancements in agriculture technology, Georgia has been an American agricultural leader.

Agriculture remains a primary source of employment for many Georgians. As many as one out of every seven Georgia residents currently work in agriculture-related sectors including the forestry services University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Moreover, a large portion of the state's fertile lands have been set aside for agriculture and because of its natural endowments, Georgia is set to remain a national leader in agriculture and agro-businesses. The private and public sectors should continue to invest in Georgia's agricultural sector because…. Works Cited Flatt, William P.

The NPPC is "meeting those challenges through a series of strategic programs designed to address issues affecting pork from production to consumer demand. Through these efforts, NPPC intends to strive for the passage and implementation of laws and regulations that are conducive to the production and sale of pork in both domestic and international markets www. To "lobby members of Congress on issues related to mandatory animal identification, a workable voluntary country-of-origin labeling program, trade and ways to further increase prices for hogs and products www. pork industry www. The National Pork Producers Council is responsible for not only protecting…. Works Cited Department of Food Science. accessed 17 November, The National Pork Producers Council. Agriculture practices have significant impact on both marine and terrestrial environment.

All over the world many agriculture practices are creating negative impact on tropical forest and on wild life. This study shows the negative impacts of banana, coffee and pineapple plantation on the marine and terrestrial environment in Costa ica. Many agriculture practices are creating negative impact on the tropical rainforest. This study also describes the issue of mono culture and what steps government should take in order to reduce the consequences. Nowadays practices that are being used for plantation of banana are creating negative impacts on tropical rainforests. Fungicides and insecticides applied on banana plantation are also causing cancer and these fungicides and insecticides are very harmful for the workers on plantation besides, distressing the surrounding environment.

So it very necessary to create awareness about the negative impact of banana plantation which is basically mono crop plantation. Farmers should…. References Astorga, Y. The Environmental Impact of the Banana Industry. Banana plantations in Latin America. World Rainforest Movement. html Costa Rica Analysis. html Costa Rica Launches Groundbreaking Environmental Initiative. Agriculture and less developed nations. There is one reference used for this paper. There are many issues facing underdeveloped nations today. It is important to examine if these countries should give up their agriculture sector in order to become a well developed nation.

Inverse Populations In comparison to the rest of the world, underdeveloped countries have an inverse percentage of citizens who are involved in the farming industry. In , "2. Works Cited Cypher, James M. Agriculture and Development. The Process of Economic Development, Chapter Economics Agriculture and Industry This is a paper about switching technique from Agriculture to Industry. There are a number of changes occurring in agriculture and industry today. It is important to examine the switching technique utilized between these two entities, and what developing countries need to know to successfully become industrialized.

Industrialization Industrialization is seen as a way to increase economic growth. It "requires the expanded use of new technological processes and ways of doing and thinking, a more skilled and productive labor force and entrepreneurial cadre, and the expansion of physical capital investment at the enterprise level and in the economy as a whole, including physical and social infrastructure formation Cypher, The Initial Structural Transformation. The Process of Economic Development. Neolithic Agriculture is so pervasive around the world that it is easy to assume that human beings have always farmed for their food.

However, as Guisepi n. points out, "There was nothing natural or inevitable about the development of agriculture. Foraging and hunting proved to be the most efficient means of sustaining life in the Paleolithic era. The fact that human beings went from the relatively energy efficient model of hunting and gathering to a more labor intensive model of agriculture shows that there must have been major changes in terms of availability of food supply or increased competition. A combination of factors influenced human social evolution to the point where what we call "civilization" began in different places around the world.

The change from hunting and gathering to agriculture had a huge impact…. References Anitei, S. Paleolithic: The old stone age. shtml Choi, C. Beer lubricated the rise of civilization, study suggests. Live Science. html Giusepi, R. Agriculture And The Origins Of Civilization: The Neolithic Revolution. htm Kavanagh, T. Archaeological parameters for the beginnings of beer. Brewing Techniques. This diet made it possible to remove cattle from their natural environment and encourage the efficiency of mass confinement and slaughter. But it causes enough health problems that administration of antibiotics is routine, so much so that it can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten the usefulness of medicines that treat people" Bittman , p. Beef mass production also releases methane gas into the atmosphere because of the sheer volume of cows that are used to sate America's unending desire for beef.

Bittman who is a non-vegetarian but an advocate of radically cutting America's beef consumption notes: "Americans eat about the same amount of meat as we have for some time, about eight ounces a day, roughly twice the global average. Growing meat…. Works Cited Bittman, Mark. Rethinking the meat-guzzler. The New York Times Magazine. What is sustainable agriculture? In , the average population density was 89 persons per square mile, and the majority of the population is located in southern California, the San Francisco ay area, and the Central Valley MSN Encarta, The sections below examine the geographical patterns of California in relation to the issue of urban encroachment.

Literature Review Many researchers have studies the historical patterns of agriculture in California and have determined that it's loss is quickly approaching. These researchers have studied the decline of agriculture as a result of urban encroachment. Researchers have defined urban "encroachment" as consisting of related growth, noise, and environmental issues. Research by Grunwald , involved an analysis of the probable pattern of urbanization in California as indicated by the study of current trends. This study concluded that if existing trends continued, the increase of urban and metropolitan growth along Highway 99 in California would eliminate any sense of…. Bibliography Adams, R. A reassessment of the economic effects of global climate change on United States agriculture.

Climate Change, vol. American Farmland Trust. Alternatives for Future Growth in California's Central Valley: The Bottom Line for Agriculture and Taxpayers. Landis, J. Forecasting and Mitigating Future Urban Encroachment. Agricultural Policy Agriculture and Farmer United States Government Policy: Agriculture and Farmers Government Policy towards Agriculture and Farmer's Price Supports There are a number of similar economic problems that are faced by the farmers globally. During World War I and even after its conclusion, farmers in United States were asked over to increase crop production. This caused a drop in yield prices in the s. Congress endorsed the Agricultural Marketing Act of to get this problem resolved and settled.

This Board was given the task to purchase crops and alleviate grain and cotton prices. This decision of stabilizing the prices persuaded the farmers to produce even more crops. The whole process…. References Agricultural Adjustment Administration. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Retrieved August 28, from. The desalination of brackish groundwater is cheaper than the desalination of water from the Gulf of Mexico People and Groundwater. As of , only 79 groundwater conservation districts had been confirmed Brock. All districts with the exception of those created by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, must be confirmed through an election Brock. The fact that lobbyists and businessmen can impact such confirmation elections makes it clear that election failures have and will continue to occur.

The largest county in Texas is Brewster, located in Far est Texas. These areas, Big Bend National Park, Black Gap…. Works Cited "Brewster County Groundwater District Plan. Brock, Laura, and Mary Sanger. Globalization of Agriculture, Food Production and Resources The Ideology and the Reality of Food Production and Agriculture Green is good. Buy organic. Down with genetically modified 'franken foods'! Such environmentalist assertions have the ring of modern truisms. Often, the impetus to recycling can have a moral drive to the way that the ideology is enforced upon every street corner, from the shrill wastebaskets that proclaim 'for cans and bottles only' to the supermarket aisles that scream 'no pesticides used.

After all, such technological innovations as the CD transmit far better musical sound quality than the LP. DeGregori, , And, more to the point, the modern revolution in food production and shipping has enabled modern individuals to have, at their fingertip's access, enormous amounts of healthy produce, in and out of season, and…. Works Cited DeGregori, Thomas R. The Environment, Natural Resources and Modern Technology, Ames: Iowa State Press. DeGregori, Thomas R. Origins of the Organic Agriculture Debate. Ames: Iowa State Press. In this paper we shall look at when and how such a change took place and discuss why some historians call this transformation the greatest event of pre-history.

About 12, years ago, the human population had spread to most habitable parts of the earth including Australia and North America. These 'territories' were not permanent settlements and the mobile groups of people often moved seasonally in order to remain close…. html Coffin, Judith G. Hunting and Gathering societies still exist in certain parts of the world and remain mainly unchanged in character In the Nile Valley, in Anatolia modern Turkey , in northern Syria, and along the Jordan River valley. Gene Tinkering in Agriculture. Are genetically altered crops dangerous? Individuals who fear the risks of such scientifically and commercially innovative products as generically altered crops or foods, otherwise as GMs, often call these products 'Frankenfoods.

Allen, European nations, especially Great Britain, have balked at the new foods, fearing that all the gene crossing will produce unpredictable results, such as foods that are toxic to people or dangerous to the environment. A Cornell University study, for example, shows that…. Works Cited Allen, Scott. htm Is your pizza poisoned? html Should we worry over genetically altered foods? World Trade Organization WTO is an independent international organization, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, which establishes and maintains rules governing global trade. Representatives from member countries use this framework in conducting trade agreements, settling trade disputes and evaluating trade policies. WTO believes that a standard set of consistent and enforceable grounds rules will conduce to the proper and profitable international trade without encountering trade barriers, such as excessive tariffs, unfair regulations and similar obstacles.

It assesses the entire trade structure and history of a country wishing entry as a member, so that some countries change trade policies in order to become WTO members. The highest decision-making body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which meets every two years. It maintains a clear…. Bibliography Agence France Press. Main Issues Under Negotiation by WTO Members in the DOHA Talks. Hot News: AFP, Bonilla, Eugenio Diaz, et al. WTO, Agriculture and Developing Countries, a Survey of Issues, TMD Discussion Paper number International Food Policy Research Institute, January pdf Bureau of Public Affairs. The U. WT Agriculture Initiative. Federal News Service, Inc.

Department of State. htm CNN. Suicide Mars WTO Talks. Organic agriculture a solution costs industrial agriculture… In addition, read choices eating local possibly supporting industrial agriculture versus eating organic possibly supporting a farmer Chile. There is an argument revolving around the issue of organic options vs. industrial food on a local basis, the former being largely perceived as more expensive, less available, yet healthier. This paper is focused on presenting the major distinctions between these two alternatives and venture to find a consensus from a local point-of-view, based on the accounts of two early articles from the Time magazine.

Jeffrey Kluger claims that the two major drawbacks of the American food system are the oversupply of meat and processed products, which act as prerequisites for the nation's increasing obesity rate and hormonal imbalances…. References Cloud, J. Eating Better Than Organic. In Time. Available at www. What's So Great About Organic Food?. There are clearly several negatives regarding this totalitarian approach to agriculture. While some see no choice in order to increase production, others see the lessening of biological diversity becoming so severe that, if the trends continue, within years, we will have lost most of the genetic diversity in food crops. Experts also agree that over the long-term, this corporate agricultural focus is unsustainable for the following reasons: It creates an out-of-balance environmental system due to overuse of pesticides, monoculture, soil erosion, and concentrated animal wastes.

It concentrates market share among a small handful of firms. This removes any market-based pricing programs and results in uncompetitive markets in which consumers suffer. Because of the lack of genetic diversity, not only are cops more prone to disease; but humans who live near the crops cross-pollination are more prone to food borne disease, chemical effects, and potential radition effects from crop irradiation…. Concern, C. Why Corporate Agriculture is a Problem. Retrieved October , from COC. Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach. Belmont, CA: Cenage.

Sarris and Hallam. Agricultural Commodoty Markets and Trade. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Ethics of Pesticides or Insecticides Agriculture has been the greatest supplier of food both at the subsistence level and the commercial level. Animal husbandry has prompted wide use of pesticides in control of diseases and maintaining the good health of the farm animals. Most of the pesticides are sprayed onto the animals in open fields hence the dripping quantity ends up on the soil ultimately swept to unintended destinations. If not spayed in the open field, the pesticides are used in a dip and the disposal methods after that are wanting.

The same case applies to the insecticides that are used on the farms frequently without proper precautions taken. There is need therefore to ensure the immediate stopping of the rampant use of the chemicals before the damages are more pronounced. The uses of chemicals in agriculture have detrimental effects bearing the introduction of man chemicals in the market some…. References Ecoworld, Safe Pesticides? html Demand Media, The Disadvantages of Using Pesticides and Herbicides. html Master Gardener Foundation html Toxics Action Center, The Problem with Pesticides. Introduction Hemp is deemed to have significant benefits to agricultural sustainability. The plant is less vulnerable to changes in weather and other environmental conditions as compared to other crops such as cotton.

The inference of this is that there is a greater likelihood of farmers generating profit from their investment with the cultivation of industrial hemp and have the ability to grow a significant amount of the crop in a comparatively small acreage Miller, Secondly, industrial hemp crops are beneficial in soil enrichment. The growth pattern of the hemp product naturally generates soil with additional nutrients. Owing to the reason that the dense leaves hinder sunlight, there results in a small number of weeds growing amongst the industrial hemp crops. Furthermore, the deep roots of the plant aid in the provision of nitrogen together with other minerals to the earth and at the same time diminishing the salinity of….

References Cherney, J. Industrial hemp in North America: production, politics and potential. Agronomy, 6 4 , Cooke, C. Hemp is on the Horizon. Will it Change the Game for Farm Country? Civil Eats. Industrial hemp: renewed opportunities for an ancient crop. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 35 , Fortenbery, T. Industrial hemp: opportunities and challenges for Washington p. Working Paper Series—School of Economic Sciences. Hemp Business Journal. Hemp as an agricultural commodity. Library of Congress Washington DC Congressional Research Service.

Kerr, A. The Environmental Benefits of Using Industrial Hemp. Sustainable Development: Building a case for Hemp. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4 3 , Agricultural Innovations The Middle ages were quite fruitful in inventing a number of discoveries that include the invention of the wheels, the invention of the plow, the harnessing the power of animals to pull wagons and plows and make their use for transportation, using the power of wind for sailboats, and the invention of writing and calendar Ashcroft et al. These innovations collectively transformed the conditions of life for societies in the middle ages.

These innovations had great effect in increasing the wealth of the population and developing complex social organizations. Although all of the innovations mentioned above were important, the plow was considered as the greatest potential for transforming social and cultural change Duerr et al. It made the use of the permanent cultivation possible in a greater variety of soils, and thereby led to the widespread replacement of horticulture by agriculture. It also facilitated the harnessing…. References 1.

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