Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Satirical essay examples

Satirical essay examples

His use of ireony Why is studying online more productive than going to school? There is no need to insult people or seek negativity because satirical approach is supposed to make fun in a light-hearted, almost nurturing manner. Learn More, satirical essay examples. Homework Help. Theories of Teaching and Learning Judaism Studies

Satirical Essay Topics for High School

Download JAMB CBT Satirical essay examples Now for FREE! Not all essays are meant to be sound serious and forbidding. At times, essays can be quite fun to read. Satirical essays is one best satirical essay examples of a highly entertaining essay. But first, let us determine what is satire and what is a satire essay and I will proceed to tell you more. Merriam-Webster defines satire as a literary work that uses wit, irony, or sarcasm to expose and ridicule human vices or foolishness, satirical essay examples.

Satire is most prevalent in literary works like books, poemsessayssongs, satirical essay examples, and even in films. It is also one way of putting a subtle constructive criticism to the shortcomings of a certain topic that an author is discussing may it be related to politicssocial change, celebrities, etc. Satirical essays are meant to write factual information about a certain topic but twist it to make it appear comical. Your readers will be more engrossed in reading satire essays since not only they will be entertained they will also gain satirical essay examples knowledge about a certain topic.

When writing a satire essayit is important to know that you have a strong motive to address your views and opinion over a specific issue you care about. It must be something that you are highly interested in. Otherwise, if you choose a topic you are not really into it or not familiar with, you get bored in writing halfway to it. Another key point to consider is to choose a topic or an issue that is relevant to society and is satirical essay examples to everyone. It is also helpful to familiarize yourself with these topics by watching or reading the news. Getting reactions, whether favorable or not, means you have successfully done your job. The things you want to consider are:. What is your stand in this certain topic?

Do you rule favor or not? Once you have figured out your point, you have a clear and strong idea of what will you write about. Are you writing for professional readers? Or the students? These different groups of people have their preference or style of writing, satirical essay examples. The professionals might want a formal style of writing or the students might want a casual style. To help you adjust your style of writing to your specific audience, here are the questions you need to answer: How do you write in a casual or formal style of writing? How do you write this essay if you are writing for young people? Now you already have a gist on writing a satire essay. You already know what topic you will discuss and what will be your main point, and you already identified who will be your audience.

Of course, for it to be outstanding, you need some tips to make your essay interesting to read. Familiarize yourself with the figures of speech to use when writing a satire essay to make it more engaging to your readers. Examples of figures of speech you can use are:. Irony: Satirical essay examples is the use of words used to convey the opposite of its literal meaning. A person looking out at his window while it was raining hard. Metaphor: A figure of speech that implied comparison between two dissimilar things that have something in common. Its structure can be on different senses of the same word or sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words. The context of this statement by the character Richard III is that he was the son of the Duke of York. Understatement: This type of figure of speech is when a speaker intentionally makes a situation or a person less important than it is.

You may also look up some hyperbole examplesand irony examples to familiarize yourself with these figures of speech. Obesity is a growing epidemic in the Bahamian society and one of the biggest issues we face in our flawed humanity. Obesity is defined as excessive weight gain which results in health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, and so forth. The rising prevalence of obesity in The Bahamas has become a normalized standard in our culture resulting in high risks to chronic non-communicable diseases. He states several explanations for the rising obesity rate and he also draws attention to the nonchalant views our society holds for healthy living.

The Bahamian people have grown accustomed to obesity and as a result it has become an inherent part of our culture. In fact, the Bahamian culture generates obesity through its poor diet, lack of nutritional education and lack of discipline for exercise, satirical essay examples. Our poor diet and food choices has contributed significantly to health risks such as obesity. Food is an inherent part of the Bahamian culture with influences from Spain, England and the American South proving our diet is diverse and rich in flavor. However, despite the satirical essay examples cultural satirical essay examples and traditions from around the world, the food is nutritionally depraved.

Our food choices consist of poorly prepared foods that do not follow dietary guidelines for a balanced diet. The typical Bahamian Sunday dinner consists of deep-fried chicken, cheese coated baked macaroni, fattening satirical essay examples and rice, fried plantains etc. These foods may seem appetizing but are saturated in fat, sugar, starch and salt, meanwhile there are very few dishes that are nutritionally balanced. Continuously eating these unhealthy and dreadful foods will ultimately lead to a life of obesity, satirical essay examples. In addition to our unbalanced diets, Bahamians constantly snack in between meals. Instead of consuming healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts and vegetables, Bahamians eat chips or candies which have low nutritional content.

Also, satirical essay examples, there is no limitations with the amount of highly seasoned foods that Bahamians consume. Our large portion sizes have also been linked to our obesity rate. Bahamians consume vast amounts of unhealthy foods that are not essential for the body. Bahamians often splurge and indulge in overeating large amounts of food with a lack of self-control. Overeating unhealthy foods only provides satiety and the large number of calories consumed can result in weight gain. Our rapid cultural change to society has shifted away from our usual healthy foods to westernized diets and eating styles. American fast food franchises are so established in the Bahamas that they are now considered part of the Bahamian culture. Many people can find these restaurants near their homes, satirical essay examples.

With the high intake of calories from these fast foods, individuals will potentially obtain unhealthy eating habits, which will result in obesity. Additionally, within our culture, the lack of nutritional education within our school systems has failed to teach students about nutrition and thus further contributes to obesity. Lack of knowledge of nutritional value comes from the level of education one has received. Many Satirical essay examples are unaware of their eating habits Courses in the school curriculum, such as Food and Nutrition and Biology that address obesity and chronic illnesses, are optional and not made mandatory for students. These classes that are placed in the curriculum serves to educate individuals on nutrition and serves as an important source of student health.

Courses such as Food and Nutrition should be used as an effective means on how to make healthier life choices and tackle the on-going obesity problem and therefore should be made mandatory. However, because of the choice to make these courses optional in the curriculum, the availability to students to gain important information regarding health satirical essay examples difficult. As a result, many students are ignorant about healthy living. Also, physical education in school is offered about once a week. This course helps promote healthy living outside the typical classroom setting and provide opportunities to stay active.

Its purpose is to get students engage in high quality exercise. With only offering class once a week, students are unable to get the regular exercise. Furthermore, many schools do not offer a large variety of food during lunch. Some schools do not encourage healthy living because they do provide healthy lunches for students satirical essay examples thus they do not have the opportunity to eat healthy. Due to the lack of nutritional knowledge students tend to pick the unhealthy foods offered. These lunches include foods such as fried chicken, fries, ribs, etc.

In the article, Smith presents several statistics regarding childhood obesity. These statistics displays the satirical essay examples problem of obesity in the youth. The food served at the cafeteria is of low quality and are non-nutrient dense. Some students tend to purchase lunch from school as they are unable to bring theirs from home and it is also inexpensive, satirical essay examples. Lastly, the lack of discipline for exercise for many Bahamian people increase obesity within our society. One reason is that The Bahamas does not prioritize exercise as an important aspect in our society.

This is mostly caused due to the lack of exercise. Individuals tend to look at exercise as a means to only lose weight and not as a lifestyle. When persons achieve their goal, many of them tend to abandon the lifestyle of regular exercise and eventually retreat to their old routine. Persons retreating to their old routines will influence unhealthy life choices thus resulting in health risks, satirical essay examples. Also, some Bahamians look for excuses as to why fitness is not a priority in their life such as they cannot find the time to exercise. Exercise serves as a great tool to weight maintenance and promote healthy life choices. Moreover, many people in the Bahamas have sedentary jobs that require moderate exercise. In some cases, people that have jobs that do not require a lot of physical activity often eat lunches that are heavily saturated in fat and sugar, satirical essay examples.

They consume so much that they do not exercise the amount they intake, satirical essay examples. With this, satirical essay examples, persons do not burn calories during their working hours resulting in weight gain. Sedentary lifestyle has contributed to weight related conditions such as obesity. The alarming number of individuals with obesity in the Bahamas has become an issue affecting the wellbeing of our people. The Bahamian people have become susceptible to obesity and its negative influences. The many cultural attributions such as our poor diet, lack of discipline for exercise, and lack of nutritional education has made Bahamians vulnerable to obesity.

To reduce the risk of obesity it is essential to reduce the intake of unhealthy food and replace them with more nutritionally balanced foods. It is more enjoyable to write since you are allowed to put your creativity and your personal views into your essay.

explaining concepts essay topics

Many students suspect that. Do you think there might be some truth behind it? How can you defend yourself from older kids at school? Taking up boxing or karate? Becoming a bully? Or maybe you just need to be a good runner? Try to think about the most creative and outlandish options. Reasons why you should write essays in the last minute. Nothing motivates a student more than an approaching deadline. Try to remember the time you finished your assignment the night before the due date. What was it like? Find the flaws in your program or describe the problems that your peers face. For example, think about tuition fees in colleges, overcrowding, or lack of attention to students.

How social media help students in their studies. The educational content on social media can be helpful for your studies. How do you survive your senior year at high school? Applying to college, preparing for SAT or ACT, and keeping up with deadlines seem like a lot of multitasking. Describe all the difficulties students have to face and offer your solutions. Do we even need to go to school? At first, think about why you like and dislike school. Why do you think school helped you, and when was it useless? Provide your reasons why you keep going to school and what you aim to achieve.

Are overweight people happier than the rest of us? Do overweight people want to lose weight? Some of them surely do. Others are happy the way they are and still face the constant pressure of the people surrounding them. How to stop eating at night. Nothing seems like a better idea than grabbing a snack at 2 a. The following day you cannot even realize why your brain persuaded you to do it. Explain why this habit can be harmful and what possible solutions can help to get rid of it. Crazy solutions for losing weight. You can find thousands of diets and fat-burning workouts on the Internet, but none of them work as well as promised. Find the funniest weight loss tips and describe them in your essay. How to persuade children to choose healthy foods. Maybe we should show kids educational cartoons on nutrition?

Or perhaps we need to learn how to cook delicious and healthy foods? Probably everyone knows a person who eats all the time and is not even close to getting fat. It might be fast metabolism, an active lifestyle , or black magic. What should you eat to lose weight? Everybody knows that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. But people still want to find a perfect diet to reduce body fat. Can you come up with one? Signs that you need to lose some weight. How does smoking affect weight loss? Many people believe that smoking reduces the feeling of hunger and makes you eat less. Ex-smokers also tend to gain weight when they give up smoking.

Explore this issue in a satirical essay. Behold: anyone is now able to walk on water. You can do it, too—thanks to giant garbage islands. Our dependency on the environment is one-sided. Speculate what would happen if nature strikes back. Who will have the upper hand? No one likes to wade through garbage. Yet, many people just throw their trash on the ground. New technology: guilty until proven innocent. Can humans sustain technological progress at the cost of the environment? We are ready to cut down the tree if we need a toothpick. Is this acceptable or outrageous? Ponder on it in your essay. What if you could stop climate change?

Imagine that you can control everything in the world. What would you do to stop global warming? Offer your solutions to climate change having this kind of power. Climate change is fake news. With this essay, you can satirize the point of view of climate change deniers. Winter is as cold as it used to be. Maybe global warming is a trick politicians use to deflect our attention from real problems. Dirty water vs. polluted air: the irony of rich nations looking down on developing societies. Is sustainability in big companies merely a fashionable way to make a profit? Why we should stop hating public transport. I hate recycling , so here is what I do instead of helping the environment. The best solution for global warming : using hover boards instead of cars.

What can you do to avoid becoming such a person? Multinational corporations are masters of disguise. The variety of choices on grocery store shelves is deceiving. Almost all goods there belong to one of few transnational corporations. Think of examples that support this statement, such as education not being accessible for everyone. Hungry Google. How can promising tech start-ups prevent being devoured by a giant? The greediness of a big corporation such as Google is a great satirical topic to write about. The dark side of the fashion industry.

Spartans knew how to deal with overpopulation. What should you answer to a time-traveler from the past asking about the worst event in the 21st century? Why should you avoid getting vaccinated? Do men in power actually plan to destroy the world one day? Sounds accurate? Unpack this quote in your essay. Democracies have one big problem: everyone is allowed to vote. Should democratic governments introduce some kind of an IQ test before authorizing people to participate in voting? Is Donald Trump a lizard person? How would this comical theory fit with his politics? Discuss this satire topic in your essay. Is the country a serious threat or a minor disturbance? What are they afraid of? Are rich people and Twitter enthusiasts such as Elon Musk secretly governing the world?

Why would shopping malls make perfect prisons? Romantic relationship between Hillary Clinton and the media. Winning as the ultimate goal of all elections for political figures. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor to treat your Political Correctness Syndrome immediately! Making parallels between Humpty Dumpty and the issues with the US wall. Beware: the new virus of civil disobedience is coming. Donald Trump as the next candidate for winning a Nobel Prize in medicine. What makes Donald Trump so unique? Trust me, the Great Wall of China will still stand after the alien invasion. Can we use ideas from comic books to confront terrorists? People are dying: legalize marijuana to save lives! Why is political satire important? And your child begs you to buy a snake.

Explore this funny satire topic in your essay! Write about how to discourage your loved ones from investing in bad ideas. Just married! And the routine already sets in. The Concealed Carry Law In Texas Schools 2 Pages. The Concealed Carry Law In Texas Schools View essay example. Team Cohesion And Hazing In Sport 3 Pages. Team Cohesion And Hazing In Sport View essay example. The Problems Of Illiteracy Pakistan Is Facing Today 4 Pages. The Problems Of Illiteracy Pakistan Is Facing Today View essay example. Natives Demise at Our Feet 2 Pages. Natives Demise at Our Feet View essay example. The Negative Effects Caused by Overexposure to Violent Video Games and Films 3 Pages.

The Negative Effects Caused by Overexposure to Violent Video Games and Films View essay example. Poverty and Homelessness in the United States 2 Pages. Poverty and Homelessness in the United States View essay example. Cannot find an essay? Try advanced search. Although you might have seen rude satirical essay examples, this kind of writing stands for polite fun. The idea of satire is to expose the moral sides of a topic. The most popular satire topics will revolve around politicians, absurd situations, human greed, or even Instagram stars.

Most importantly, satire essays should not be insulting or angry in any case! How to write a satire essay? The most satire essays examples you will encounter will have a structure that starts with an engaging statement, a famous quote, or an anecdote. You may even tell a story you have seen in person by turning it into a narration. Choose funny satire topics with a light-hearted approach and keep things educational. satirical Essay Examples. leaders national honor society gender inequality french revolution leadership martin luther king macbeth do the right thing friendship fast food same-sex marriage strengths and weaknessess about myself culture leader.

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