Journal of Medical marijuana essay and Development:. hese studies show that marijuana provides relief for medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma, medical marijuana essay, medical marijuana essay. A main reason for which the government is unable to successfully control medical marijuana is the fact that it is not actively involved in the enterprise and that it would rather take on the mission of penalizing those who commit criminal acts and use the medical marijuana legislation as a cover-up Kreit. Medical Marijuana and the Healthcare System The role of a healthcare professional is to not only to care for those that are sick, but to also promote healthy lifestyles and choices to those in our community. NHPCO International Journal of Drug Policy 26 1 :
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However, as long as the patient is suffering and can match medical marijuana essay set criteria for the disorder, who is society to argue that it does not exist and it should not be treated? Medical marijuana has far less abuse and damaging potential than some of the current drugs being prescribed to combat such illnesses and medical marijuana essay. The legalization and use of medical marijuana will provide the ability for doctors and patients to choose which treatment option will reduce symptoms with the least amount of damaging side affects that can be caused by such treatments.
The majority of physicians surveyed support the used of medical marijuana with the…. References Kreit, Alex the future of medical marijuana: should the states grow their own? Dahl, Dick Medical marijuana laws go up in smoke Lawyers USA Flynn, Kevin MARIJUANA for MEDICAL USE HAS STRONG SUPPORT in POLLS Denver Rocky Mountain News. Gilman asserts that medical marijuana essay debate should not be about the medical value of marijuana, medical marijuana essay how the drug should be delivered. The Genetic Science Learning Center outlines several delivery methods of medical marijuana.
First of all is smoking. The benefits of this method include that it delivers all of the plant's active compounds, and that it is easy to regulate the dose. Disadvantages of this method are that there is no standardization of ingredients and that the toxins from the burning marijuana may cause emphysema and lung cancer. Gilman adds that in addition to the risk of lung disease, the medical marijuana essay of the drug is difficult to measure because THC levels vary between plants. According to the Genetic Science Learning Center, marijuana is also available in a synthetic pill form of THC called Marinol. hile this method delivers some of the benefits of marijuana, it is difficult to control the…, medical marijuana essay. Works Cited Bowling, Allen C, medical marijuana essay.
CINAHL with Full Text. Cohen, Peter, J. Dresser, Rebecca. Fogarty, A, medical marijuana essay, et al. In Germany it is still an offence under the drug laws to posses the drug but the laws are some what more liberal. For example the prosecution may not press charges where the drug was found to be in 'low quantity 'and was for personal use. Thus patients have received lower penalties. The progress in Germany is such that in Aprilthe German company THC Pharm received the approval to make "THC dronabinol available to pharmacies.
In the U. The debate has taken another turn with economists showing that it is better to legalize the use of marijuana in the open market, medical marijuana essay. For example a research on the relevance of the ban on drugs and crime and economic impacts of legalizing marijuana…. References Degenhardt, Louisa; Hall, Wayne D. Grotenhermen, Franjo. pp: Hyatt, Adam. Legislators and drug enforcers are not physicians and should not substitute their belief system for demonstrable scientific studies showing that medical marijuana does benefit patients. The federal argument often begins with a denial of this, as if any study that medical marijuana essay there is no benefit is automatically preferred to the hundreds that show there is.
The next claim made is that the harm is greater than the curative power, which is patently false given that studies have trouble even showing harm from any use of marijuana. The long-standing argument that marijuana is a gateway drug and leads to the use of harder drugs is irrelevant when dealing with medical marijuana, for medical users are not likely users of harder drugs and are only trying to alleviate their suffering in the only way they can. The concern that allowing the medical use of marijuana is only the beginning might or might…. Works Cited Demmer, Bryan. Volume 61, Issue 6 November-December Gold, Mark S. The Good News About Drugs and Alcohol. New York: Villard Books, Lowery, Richard. December 12, Maykut, Madeliane.
Health Consequences of Acute and Chronic Marihuana Use. New York: Pergamon Press, Nadelmann, Ethan A. Children entering drug abuse treatment have routinely reported that they heard that marijuana is medicine'and, therefore, believed it to be good for them. hose in favor of medical marijuana believe that studies such as the U. Institute of Medicine are political motivated and outdated. here are numerous other studies proving the marijuana does have therapeutic use. hese studies medical marijuana essay that marijuana provides relief for medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma, medical marijuana essay.
Further, there is evidence that smoked marijuana reduces muscle spasticity from spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, and diminishes tremors in multiple sclerosis patients. Marijuana also provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures,…. Those in favor of medical marijuana believe that studies medical marijuana essay as the U. There are numerous other studies proving the marijuana does have therapeutic use. These studies show that marijuana provides relief for medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight medical marijuana essay, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma. Marijuana also provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures, insomnia and chronic pain, among other conditions.
Medical marijuana proponents argue that the drug's medical value exceeds its risks and that there are legal drugs more harmful than marijuana. The DEA's Administrative Judge Francis Young said, "In medical medical marijuana essay 'safety' is a relative term The determination of 'safety' is made in terms of whether a drug's benefits outweigh its potential risks and the risks of permitting the disease to progress. There have been no deaths from marijuana overdose. It's easy to refute the suggestion that medical marijuana will increase use by children. Data shows that no state with medical marijuana laws has experienced medical marijuana essay increase in youth marijuana use since their law's enactment.
Medical Marijuana and Social Control: Escaping Criminalization and Embracing Medicalization Marijuana, also known as cannabis is derived from the cannabis plant cannabis sativa. The ingredients of the plant, trahydro-cannabinol, widely known as HTC are part of the plant that gives the 'high' effect. The use of marijuana as a drug has been illegal in many states of America and the nations of the world. In the article 'medical marijuana and social control', assistant professor Patrick K. O'rien explores the current trend in the medicalization of marijuana across the United States of America. O'rien starts by giving an overview of past medical marijuana essay about marijuana, its social effect and the various means used by the federal government to curb it.
Many research and perceptions of people link to the effects of the drug on individual users and the society. The government and state agencies researching on the topic associate the use of…, medical marijuana essay. Bibliography Burns, medical marijuana essay, L. New approaches to social problems treatment, medical marijuana essay. Bingley: Emerald group publishing. Joy, E. J, Watson, J. S, Jr. Marijuana and medicine: Assessing the science base. Washington D. C: National academy press. Mooney, A. L, Knox, Schacht, Holmes, M.
Understanding social problems. Fourth edition. Connecticut: Cengage learning. Deflem, M. Popular culture: crime and social control. Bingley: Emerald-publishing Ltd. Medical Marijuana To Governor Rick Perry: In the state of Texas, the use of marijuana for medical reasons is illegal, but I would like you to reconsider this issue. I have a personal interest in this issue as I am terminally ill with colon cancer. By the time this issue is resolved in Texas, it will likely be too late for me, but being ill has made me wish to be proactive so that I can help others to alleviate their pain and suffering. Medical marijuana has proven to help cancer sufferers and other chronically or terminally ill people in a myriad of ways.
I hope you will consider this information and, after reading this letter, promote the use of medical marijuana in the state of Texas so that people in my position will be happier and healthier in the future. Medical marijuana has been proven to alleviate the symptoms…. Works Cited: Ellis, RJ Smoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. Grotenherman, F. Review of therapeutic effects. Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, medical marijuana essay, and Therapeutic Potential.
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Since it is still illegal under the federal government all together then a person can still get in trouble for it. The legalization of marijuana would be beneficial to a lot of people. Marijuana has been proven to help with a lot of things. Medical Marijuana Medical Cannabis is an extraction of the Cannabis plant. THC and CBD are extracted and are used to treat or relieve symptoms and conditions. It is used by inhalation and ingestion. In states where Medical Cannabis is legal there are a variety of cannabis forms like, dry herb, oils, creams, pills, and many different edibles. How often has the current issue on Medical Marijuana been brought to your attention? There are people against it and people for it.
Yet, there are…. The use of Marijuana medically has been in controversy for years. The question behind it is what is marijuana actually and why it is in the controversy and why people talk about it? Marijuana—also called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other slang terms—is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant 1. It has been in the picture even during BC when the Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi, whom the Chinese…. Why Medical Marijuana should be available for people who need it. You hear about it on the news, people smuggling it, growing it, it's everywhere.
Medical marijuana should be legal, not only for those with anxiety and depression, but those with diseases and disorders that weed can fix. This article will argue that medical marijuana is a must for lots of people for diseases. The use of medical marijuana has been a huge discussion topic in the United States. Many people argue the pros and cons of this drug being used for medical purposes. The large scale debate incases many different opinions on this drug. There are more patients that are claiming that marijuana is effective in treating symptoms from many different types of illnesses and disease. Learning more about the drug, the chemicals that can be extracted from the plant, can have the most benefits to the….
Medicinal cannabis; an informative essay Marijuana is made up of dried flowers, leaves and stems of the hemp plant and is also known under the name Cannabis Sativa. Medicinal marijuana has been used as a medicine for thousands of centuries. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Medical Marijuana Essay. Medical Marijuana Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Medical Marijuana Words 8 Pages. Medical Marijuana. Read More. Good Essays. Atmos Medical Marijuana Words 3 Pages. Atmos Medical Marijuana. Medical Marijuana Policy Words 4 Pages. Supporting point 3 Topic sentence: Legalized medical marijuana will help local farmers to preserve the environment and avoid deforestation and soil erosion.
Reasoning: Illegal marijuana farming hurts the environment and leads to soil erosion. Counter argument: Inappropriate use of marijuana may lead to health-related issues including short-term memory loss and despair. Reasoning: Some negative feelings may expand to paranoia, distrust, fear, panic, feeling of pain, and psychosis. Conclusion: In sum, legalized medical marijuana has a great positive impact on human health, medical conditions of terminally ill-patients, the US economy and agriculture. Works Cited D'Ambrosio, F. Close 1 Paper Details 2 Price Calculation 3 Personal Info 4 Checkout. Academic level. Type of paper. Paper title:. Paper instructions. Please specify the number of sources to be used, if required. Paper format:.
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